As we approach the weekend and Izzy's visit to help clear out the old homestead, I ask each of you to read my friend Marion's profoundly moving sermon,
Crap-free Jubilee. Use it to inspire you; to help you look forward to that great day in which the magazines will have been recycled, the wine-now-vinegar will have cleaned the pipes, our childhood mementos will have been dispersed to the rightful owners, and all the other detritus of the past will have been taken to the landfill; to be able to stand tall and say, "Today, I am clean!"
The family devised a way to get the crap down the front slope to the street.
Have fun clearing out the Crap. Don't spend time sighing and moaning over it. We haven't missed it in these last few decades so we won't miss it in the next. JUST GET RID OF IT (except for the box of slides I have very vague memories of).
And wear respirators.
And, despite having reached critical mass, no blow-ups!
I'll be thinking of you.
AMEN to Sister Marion;s sermon!
My question is How many 1930s fiesta bauer jewel tea casseroles does one need?
Thank you all for your support. Pass the word--the Crapture can happen here, now!
One thing that helped us in Oklahoma was hiring people to do an estate sale. We handled the papers, photos, mementoes. They sold the rest.
The other thing was finding the Hospice Thrift Store. The ladies working there were so well-trained. We would show up with our versions of the faux fiesta casseroles and THEY would thank US. Hee hee.
We also ran the numbers on "someone should sell this on EBay." "Someone" being me would take 10% of the proceeds for the cost of my time. We might net $1000 for good stuff, so $900 divided by five equals not worth it.
And we all managed to stay friendly. As the MasterCard commercial says, priceless.
Good luck, Eutsler clan.
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