Friday, July 9, 2010

Dinner at Gabriel's

For Mom's birthday dinner, we all went to Gabriel's Restaurant between Los Alamos and Santa Fe.

Here's the Birthday Mom.

To commemorate the event, Chuckbert took a picture of Mom's dinner.

And then Chuckbert took a picture of P-doobie taking a picture of Chuckbert while Mombert and Bobbert cracked up.

Bobbie and Izzy posed nicely with some bunny ears.

Bobbie picked up the check. Seeing her distress, I snapped my fingers to summon a waiter and said, "¡Garçon! El desfibrilador, por favor!" He brought us a parachute and some dried apricots.


BobbieS53 said...

YIKES! What a great time. If Mom's 90...what are we? Nice shot of me and my Little sis!

Shoe said...

It was a lovely dinner! Enjoyed by all!

word verif: ousopp. Ou!Soppaipillas! Dang! I forgot to order them!

Poss said...

it was certainly a lovely party. We are so lucky to have such a wonderful Mom!

RetroMag said...

It was indeed a great birthday! Lovely dinner. Delightful gathering of family and all. And I'm lucky to have such wonderful kids. And extended family and friends.