Thursday, September 9, 2010

"On the roof, it's peaceful as can be / And there the world below can't bother me"

The title of this post is fraught with irony.

The sounds from the roof include
  • metallic scraping,
  • drilling,
  • pneumatic hammering,
  • raucous singing,
  • pounding, and
  • a radio favoring most of Western Area with hits from Mexico.
They're the sounds of progress.

The tongue and groove ceiling is also the decking for the roof in the living room and dining room. You could see daylight yesterday. Pumice sifting through and landing on everything sounds like a very gentle rain when it's falling, and when you walk on the grit, it sounds like you're crunching along in spilled sugar.

Here are the guys. Yesterday when it rained, they covered everything and, instead of calling it a day, hung out in the carport and ate Pringles and candy until it cleared up. Then they started working again and didn't quit until about 7:30 that evening.

I forgot to mention the sound of motorized equipment.


Shoe said...

Norteño or Ranchera?

P-Doobie said...


RetroMag said...

No afternoon naps for you guys for awhild!

RetroMag said...


Poss said...

Just think of the toasty dry nights this winter and it will all be good