Thursday I took Frankey up for a walk to see what the fire had done and to play with my new camera, which I'm still getting used to. The trailhead still looks pretty normal.

The middle third of the trail to the meadow, however, shows the effects of the fire. Although the aspens and mixed conifers were burned, the aspens, grasses, and wildflowers are returning in abundance.

In some places the grasses and weeds almost covered the trail. The wildflowers were growning in profusion on the slopes.

The forest used to be so thick that I don't recall ever noticing these rocks.

The final third of the trail to the meadow looks much as it used to.

And Cañada Bonita was gorgeous, as usual.

Here are some flowers and berries we saw along the trail.
Baneberry. Do not eat them unless you enjoy the feel of battery acid or hellfire.
Paintbrushes tell me that summer is almost over.
The wild raspberries are getting ripe. Frankey ate one.