Sunday, November 15, 2009

Official performance and procedural requirements for grain-weighing equipment and related grain-handling systems

That is the name of a section of Title 7 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Agriculture. It is more fun to read than other things I could name.

You may remember that Ina asked me for a cover blurb for her latest novella. She brought me a manuscript to read, and I did indeed read about 20 pages before I had to take an antacid.

The book is going to press, and Ina needed the blurb. I knew that it had to be truthful and kind but that it couldn't make me complicit in her efforts. Here's what I came up with.
"Ina's intense love for Jane Austen shines on every page."


Chuckbert said...

Good work!

Have a drink.

RetroMag said...

That's IT?

Shoe said...

Your compassion for enthusiastic but hapless writers shines with every blurb.

Good job, P-doobie!

Judy said...

Good solution to the conumdrum. All of her books are self-published, yes? She was talking about sending this one to press in Canada.