Thursday, November 13, 2008

Huffing at Otowi Station

One of the products we carry is a glue that you spread on your completed jigsaw puzzle to preserve it. It's like Elmer's Glue, with the same milky white color and mild acetic odor. This week we've found two open jars of the stuff spilled in the museum section--and gosh, was it fun to clean up.

Apparently some kids are unclear on the concept of glue sniffing, and thought they could get high by huffing puzzle glue. I checked the material safety data sheets for the glue, and it's harmless unless misused; two of the byproducts of decomposition are carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, so the kids could possibly get a little light-headed if they huffed long enough.

We've put the glue in a case on the counter. 

The National Inhalant Prevention Coalition has lots of good information about the dangers, signs, and prevention of huffing.

1 comment:

Poss said...

I've had clients where I've had to leave the room because they had som much paint fumes in their lungs that I could hardly breathe. Use to have to talk to kids about sniffing unleaded gas ( we knew that they would not stop sniffing). Had one kid die of huffing white out.