Friday, February 20, 2009

Better leave a trail of breadcrumbs after you leave the store

I previously posted about a couple of weird phone calls we received. The weirdness continues, but this time in person. 

This morning a large woman with many scary tattoos and a neck wattle the size of a pillowcase came into the store, looked around, and asked, "Is this where the housing authority meets?"

I said, "No. This is Otowi Station Bookstore. We sell books." 

"Well, why did they tell me that the meeting was here? This is 15th and Central, isn't it? They said the housing authority meets at 15th and Central." She waved a sheaf of papers at me.

I asked her whether there was an address anywhere on her papers. She came to the counter and slapped down the sheaf. No address anywhere. "There's a phone number for Guadalupe. She said to call her. Would you call her? I don't hear so good over the phone." She was breathing heavily through her mouth. "Hnnnf. Hnnnf." I called Guadalupe.

"Hello. This is Guadalupe."

"Hi, my name is Peggy, and I'm calling for one of your clients."

"Hnnnf. Hnnnf. Hnnnf."

"Where is your office located?" I asked.

"Hnnnf. Hnnnf. Hnnnf."

"At 15th and Central. Right across the street from the YMCA."

"We're right across the street from the YMCA, too," I said, "but I don't know where your office is."

"I just told you. At the corner of 15th and Central!"

"Hnnnf. Hnnnf. Hnnnf. Hnnnf. Hnnnf. Hnnnf."

"Where are you in relation to the Bradbury Science Museum?"

"I don't know! Eeeeee! This job is new to me! I don't know about any museums!"

"Well, the museum is at the corner--"


"--of 15th and Central. There's a fountain in front."

"Eeeeee! I don't know anything about a fountain! I told you, all I know is I'm at the corner of 15th and Central!"

"Hnnf. Hnnnnnf. Hnnnf."

"Well, could you meet your client out in front of your office? Perhaps wave to her?"

"Yes, I could, but I don't want to leave the office! I keep telling you, I'm new on the job! I don't know my way around. Eeeeee! All I know is I'm at the corner of 15th and Central!"

I figured I should get off the phone, because otherwise I'd be talking to Guadalupe all day about her orientation to 15th and Central. I did what I should have done the second the client came in: I hauled out the phone book and looked up the address of the housing authority and wrote it down for her.

"Okay, the housing authority is at 135 Central Park Square. Central Park Square is right across the street. All the businesses are numbered. Look for number 135."

"Hnnnf. Well, what's this address?"

"1350 Central." 

"Then I'm at the housing authority! Hnnnf! Hnnnf! Hnnnnf!"

"No. You're in a bookstore. You don't want 1350. You want 135. Just go up to the street light and cross the street. Central Park Square will be right in front of you."

"Hnnnf. I hope I can find it."

Eeeee! I hope she did, too.


Shoe said...

Eeeee! Me three!

MrBears said...

This posting about a couple of real crackers cracked me up! The best blog I've read about crackers recently.

BobbieS53 said...

Eeeee! Seence I can't find my way, eet's making me feel so unconscious!

Chuckbert said...

I guess there are advantages to working in Dilbertland. We know what kind of nuts we'll encounter each day. Your life sounds too exciting for me.

RetroMag said...

I still say you should write a book.