Sunday, March 29, 2009

This lotion will clear up your Azores

One of the cool things we have in the bookstore is a world map with the legend, "The world walks through our doors. Where are you from?" Our visitors mark their hometowns with map pins, and we have pins in every state and continent, including Antarctica, where two customers were stationed for a year. Last week two USA-centric visitors were admiring the map. 

"Wow!" one said. "Lots of people from all over America! Especially that state there." She gazed at the map with a puzzled look on her face. "What is that state--the one with all those pins? 

Perry cleared things up for her. "That's Europe."



Chuckbert said...

Well, if New Mexico can be a foreign country, why can't Europe be the 50th state?

Marion Agnew said...

Silly Chuckbert. Because Canada already is. Isn't it out there by Dakota somewhere?

BobbieS53 said...

What can we teach about geography? Ask Mei.