Thursday, August 27, 2009

Could you be a bookseller who drinks? Take this quiz and find out!

If you were the boss, which of the following reasons for resigning immediately would make you reach for a bottle of fine Irish whiskey--or at least a handful of cookies?

a. I resign from my position at Otowi Station effective immediately. My spouse died last night, and I must return to the farm in Kansas immediately to settle the estate and to care for the aged parents.

b. I learned that I am pregnant, and my physician prescribes complete bed rest for nine months to reduce the chances of premature labor. Please accept my resignation from Otowi Station effective immediately.

c. I hereby tender my resignation from my position at Otowi Station Bookstore, effective immediately. The reason for my decision to resign is the on-going outbreak of "flu-like" illness in Los Alamos. Because of it and because of what I fear will unfold over the next few months, I no longer feel safe working with the public, or being in crowded conditions under any circumstances that I can possibly avoid. Though I hope not, I suspect it'll be a long winter.


MrBears said...

a and b are a hand full of cookies and a large glass of cold milk.

c is fine Irish whiskey or any form of alcohol. Enough alcohol in the old system should kill any flu germs those inconsiderate Otowi Station customers try to pass on.


Chuckbert said...

I hope you and all of your employees wear protective gear this winter. And eat nice cookies.

Hey, you can keep a stash of cookies in your respirators!

Poss said...

get your flu shots early. The regular shots are out. Get a pneumonia shot if you haven't gotten it. You are in the age/risk group.
do as Chuckie says and have masks available. Have hand sanitizer at the door and encourage people to use it. Have a pen for customers and only use your pen for writing. Wash hands frequently.

BobbieS53 said...

YIKES! Flu! I'm good at getting a flu shot. I'll ask for a pneumonia shot when I go for my physical...This winter won't be any longer than last winter, I think.

Colleen said...

The real reason was probably much stupider.

Judy said...

You've heard all of these, right?