Thursday, August 13, 2009

no I said no I won't No

I've written previously on some of the odd requests we've had from customers. Today's request may not be in the top ten, but it's certainly on the charts.

A out-of-town customer came in earlier in the week and bought a T-shirt. He called this morning and said that he had lost the T-shirt and wanted us to send him a replacement shirt for free.

I thought about that all day, and I'm still bewildered.

I lost another one. Give me a new shirt.


Marion Agnew said...

I've lost my mind. Will you send me another one?

Judy said...

And you were probably diplomatic when you refused. Some folks just like to test - the answer was no if he didn't ask.

Colleen said...

You could have said "Yes, but you pay for shipping and handling." Then make the handling fee equal to the shirt price.