Saturday, June 27, 2009

That particular brand of chutzpah is known, where I come from anyway, as cruisin' for a bruisin'

On Thursday evening Michele and I were in the store for the signing with William Tucker (hi, Bill!). Competing with the signing, however, was an event at the library, an Authors Speak lecture featuring Los Alamos author James D. Doss (hi, Danny!), who is a good friend to the store and who often drops in to sign books and visit with our customers.

Another frequent visitor to the store is Ina, a local self-published author. And she visited Thursday night. And I listened from the office to her discussion with Michele, Perry, and Susan.

"I want to buy Snake Dreams before the talk at the library. Danny said I could get 20% off the book for his talk," Ina squawked her her going-deaf voice. Apparently she wasn't wearing her hearing aids.

Perry said, "He didn't talk to us about that."

"Well, he said you would."

Susan said, "We offer 20% off on the author's book when he signs here in the store."

"But it is a signing! Danny said that we can get 20% off all his books for tonight's events!"

Michele stepped in and, enunciating crisply and loudly, said, "Danny did not talk with us about any discounts. If Danny were planning a special event that we'd be involved in, he'd come in and talk with us, and the entire staff would be aware of any discounts. We are not discounting his books for signings at other venues. They are 20% off only when he signs here in the store. You do not get a 20% discount on this book."

"Well, I do get a 10% senior discount. I am a senior citizen after all!"

Susan began to ring up her purchase. "You should give me another 10% in honor of his talk over at the library," Ina squawked.

Susan asked, "You want a purple shopping bag for that?"

Ina: "You should give me my entire purchase for 75% off because I am dressed like Jane Austen."
Perry: "Why is the big roll of packing tape always in the workroom when I need it at the counter?"


Chuckbert said...

I love your "Why booksellers drink" stories. I like the ones featuring Ina a lot! (Thanks Ina!)

Marion Agnew said...

If I were to buy one of Ina's books, how much would you pay me?

I'll even sign it.

That should be worth 120% of the cover price. Because I'm not a senior citizen, but I can still write.

Also, we own a fireplace or two and can always use firestarters.

Let me know if you want me to come up with other shrewd marketing strategies for you.

RetroMag said...

Do I get the senior discount in additioin to the family discount?And, oh yes, I should get a double senior discount because I'm a really, REALLY, senior.

BobbieS53 said...

YIKES! YIKES! YIKES! I think I should get a 50% discount EVERY DAY because I'm on the board! Or I'm bored or you can whack me with a board!

Shoe said...

I think I should get a discount cuz I'm so cute.

P-Doobie said...

Thank you all for your requests for discounts and the marketing strategies. You are the wind beneath my wings.

Word verif: choealat, which is close enough to "chocolate" that I'm going to celebrate.

Marion Agnew said...

I don't have a comment, but the word verification was "Barth," which I thought was appropriate for a bookseller's site.

He's also high on the list of authors I was supposed to read but didn't.

I do too have a life!